The Foresight Committee

How the committee works

The Foresight Committee has guided the Institute and steered its development since 2001. The international reputation of its members, and the specific knowledge each of them contributes in his or her own field – human sciences, economics, public health, climate sciences – are the cornerstone of the Institute’s strong scientific credibility.
At its half-yearly meetings, the Foresight Committee interacts with experts on forward-looking topics. These fruitful discussions enable the Institute to define future research and conference themes, and to shed light on its existing work projects. They also provide an opportunity for the Committee members to validate ongoing projects with the team.

Regular meetings

December 17th and 18th: Paris, on the future of metals and strategic materials

June 11th, 12th: Tokyo (Japan), on the theme of Robotics
Applications in the health or nuclear industry sectors, impacts on employment and ethical implications of the development of artificial intelligence.

December 5-6: Paris (France), on the theme of climate change
Held on the fringe of COP21 and the Veolia Institute's projects on methaneJune 27-28: Prague (Czech Republic), on the theme of energy efficiency in Europe.
First participation of the Foresight Committee’s new member, Yuriko Koike.
May 31: Washington DC. (USA), on the theme of ecosystem restoration.
The meeting was held on the fringe of the Institute’s international conference organized on the same theme on May 29 and 30 at the National Academy of Sciences.
December 18-19: New Delhi (India), on the theme of access to water in India.
From the technical, contractual and social angles.

The members of the Foresight Committee