Fighting cholera
Fighting cholera
The Global Alliance Against Cholera (GAAC) aims to respond to the growing number of cholera cases by proposing a long-term response for the prevention and elimination of epidemics. Find out more about GAAC.
Is cholera inevitable?
Is cholera inevitable?
Testimonials from Thierry Vandevelde (Veolia Foundation), Didier Bompangue (Kinshasa Faculty of Medicine, OMS Africa), Aurélie Jeandron (London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine-LSHTM), Agnès Bougoyé Shagayo (Uvira, DRC) and Rita Colwel (University of Maryland College Park and John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health). In order of appearance.
Cholera-affected countries worldwide
Our prevention strategy
Ibrahim Assane Mayaki, Executive Secretary of Nepad, talks about GAAC
Ibrahim Assane Mayaki, Executive Secretary of Nepad, talks about GAAC
GAAC advocates the mobilization of funding for sustainable cholera control projects. Ibrahim Assane Mayaki, Executive Secretary of Nepad, explains the Global Alliance's advocacy leverage.