Cholera epidemic in Syria: update

The cholera outbreak in Syria that was declared in September of this year continues to spread throughout the country, with a total of 46,409 suspected cases reported as of November 19. An oral cholera vaccine campaign is planned for December.

The cholera outbreak in Syria that was declared in September of this year continues to spread throughout the country (1). Suspected cholera cases have been reported from all 14 governorates (2).

Between September and November 19, a total of 46,409 suspected cholera cases have been reported, including 97 deaths (case fatality rate: 0.2%). Since the beginning of the epidemic, the governorates of Dier Ez Zor, Raqqa, Aleppo and Idleb have reported a total of 43,959 suspected cases (representing 39%, 23%, 17% and 16% of all suspected cases, respectively). In recent weeks (November 7-20), these four governorates have continued to be among the most affected: Dier Ez Zor (1,951 cases), Raqqa (1,718 cases), Aleppo (1,836 cases) and Idleb (2,431 cases) (3).

Overcrowded internally displaced person (IDP) camps across Syria have also reported suspected cholera cases. A total of 2,879 suspected cases and two deaths have been reported from IDP camps in Northeast Syria and Northwest Syria (3), the majority have been reported in IDP camps in Northwest Syria (2).

The cholera outbreak is fueled by a lack of access to safe drinking water due to drought and damaged infrastructure. The water level of the Euphrates River has continued to decrease, which impacts electricity supply as well as water quality, production and distribution (4). The outbreak is also compounded by limited access to adequate sanitation and healthcare facilities (5) as well as population displacement due to ongoing conflict (6).

Among the interventions taken to respond to the epidemic, an oral cholera vaccine campaign is planned for early December (3).


  1. OCHA. United Nations Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator in Syria, Imran Riza, statement on the outbreak of cholera in Syria [Internet]. 2022 Sep. Available from:
  2. WHO, OCHA. Whole of Syria Cholera Outbreak Situation Report no. 7 [Internet]. 2022 Nov. Available from:
  3. OCHA, WHO. WHOLE OF SYRIA - CHOLERA OUTBREAK SITUATION REPORT NO. 8 [Internet]. 2022 Nov. Available from:
  4. UNICEF. UNICEF Whole of Syria Situation Report (Cholera), 10 November 2022 [Internet]. 2022 Nov. Available from:
  5. WHO, JMP, UNICEF. JMP Progress on Drinking Water, Sanitation and Hygiene [Internet]. 2022. Available from:
  6. Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre (IDMC). Country profile: Syrian Arab Republic [Internet]. 2022. Available from: